Warragul Uniting Church, 210 Sutton Street, Warragul, Victoria, Australia


The PHOTO ALBUM page 15

210 Sutton Street Warragul

June 2006


The new building ready for use

Looking towards the dais in the Worship Place

OPENING WORSHIP 25 June - a sense of anticipation before the start of the worship service 

OPENING WORSHIP - young people from 'God's Gang singing 'Welcome to God's House'

OPENING WORSHIP - the congregation of about 300 attentive to the young people's singing

OPENING WORSHIP - Rev Chris Cohen addressing the congregation

OPENING WORSHIP - Millennium Prayer and visual display presented by youth members

OPENING WORSHIP - Chris Cohen recognised the work done by our church members.  Here he thanks Les, representing Howard, Bill and himself, who together designed and crafted all the dais furniture - including communion table, font stand, lectern, and cross 

 OPENING WORSHIP - the choir sang 'Come, O God of All the Earth'

LUNCH after OPENING WORSHIP - most of the 300 strong congregation stayed to enjoy fellowship over lunch

LUNCH after OPENING WORSHIP - serving the hot soup

LUNCH after OPENING WORSHIP - 'bring food to share' - no one went hungry!

We are blessed with talented members - 
one of the beautiful floral displays in the Worship Place, arranged by Judith Pugh