Activities — including News & Groups




 An Audio Loop
is installed
in the church
for people
with a 'T switch'
on their
hearing aids


Updated 25 July 2024

from our Church Diary


July 2024

  Sun 28

10.00 am

11.20 am

Worship Service

  Pastoral Care Team meeting

  Wed 31 2.30 pm Games Afternoon see details at right
    3.30 pm Trains in The Shed
    4.00 pm Choir Practice

August 2024

  Thu 1 9.30 am Craft Group
    9.30 am Play Group
  Sun 4

10.00 am

Worship Service
    Communion / Coin-A-Day / Food Basket
Mission Table—during cuppa time

  Wed 7 3.30 pm Trains in The Shed
    4.00 pm Choir Practice
  Thu 8 9.30 am Craft Group
    9.30 am Play Group
  Sat 10 10.00 am Garden Group details at right
  Sun 11

10.00 am

Worship Service

  Wed 14 12 noon Women on Wednesdays details at right
    3.30 pm Trains in The Shed
    4.00 pm Choir Practice
  Thu 15 9.30 am Craft Group
    9.30 am Play Group
  Sat 17 10.00 am Coffee at Newmason see details at right
  Sun 18

10.00 am

Worship Service

Mission Table—during cuppa time

  Wed 21 3.30 pm Trains in The Shed
    4.00 pm Choir Practice
  Thu 22 9.30 am Craft Group
    9.30 am Play Group
  Sat 24 10.00 am Garden Group details at right
  Sun 25

10.00 am

Worship Service

  Wed 28 2.30 pm Games Afternoon  see details at right
    3.30 pm Trains in The Shed
    4.00 pm Choir Practice
  Thu 29 9.30 am Craft Group
    9.30 am Play Group


    JUNE 2024  - Link to CROSSLIGHT to download PDF or open Flipbook (Scroll down, right-hand side of page)

Published every two months - Next issue AUGUST 2024

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or view / read 'On-Line'

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  Crosslight - Fullscreen icon

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EVERY THURSDAY, during school terms

Please let anyone you know who may be needing a chance to bring their little ones, or grandparents who mind their toddlers and pre kinder children, to our play group. 

The children have the opportunity to play and develop socially, which stimulates their physical and mental wellbeing.


  Garden Group 

Maintenance and new plantings

2nd & 4th Saturdays,

Others garden at times available to them


All women welcome
Bookings essential

A 12 Noon meal
and fellowship
with a very friendly group of women

at The Downtowner 55 Victoria St Warragul

2nd Wednesday each month, 12 noon



the Train is in

And you can catch it

Every Wednesday @ 3.30pm


Enjoy the friendship, fellowship, laughter, and the interesting business of
Model Railways.  ALL MEN WELCOME

Check out these TRAIN SHED photos


Coffee at Newmason

3rd Saturday each month, 10am

Newmason, 25 Mason St, Warragul


Warragul Uniting Church
Craft Group
meeting in the Chapel

Every Thursday @ 9.30am


Warragul Uniting Church
Choir Practice

Every Wednesday @ 4.00pm

New members very welcome


Monthly Games Afternoon

Last Wednesday each month, 2.30pm

Don't be bored—enjoy a board game or two

Gold coin donation—nibbles, tea & coffee avaiable

No need to RSVP



     News Updates     


 Catering Committee Meeting — Sunday 14 July   


For all the wonderful people who assist with the catering for funerals
and functions.  We will have a meeting on Sunday 14th July straight after
the church service. 

Anyone who would like to join the catering group is more than
welcome to come along and find out a bit more about what we do,
for whom we work, and where the money we raise goes.

The main focus of this meeting will be to decide on where we
send the money raised to date.



 NEXT Messy Church - 8 September 2024   


 and then on 27 October and 1 December 2024 

We had a wonderful time with
The Case of the Lost Sheep


  Click on the 
 for Photos of Messy Church 2024 


There's a Facebook LINK on the
Home Page of this website



   Warragul Regional College Chaplaincy Fundraiser   


17 September - Annual Dinner - put it in your diary early.
Any questions or if you would like to volunteer contact Amanda at


   Organ in our previous Wesley church building   


Some of our church members are also members of the Warragul Theatre Organ Society.

The links below, are from the WTOS website -

  Celebrating our 100-year-old Wurlitzer pipe organ  

 click here for FEATURE STORY at ABC Gippsland

Country Breakfast  AUDIO click Play, from 18min, 35sec. (18:35)

   Autumn Colour & Winter Activity   


Twenty-four Maples (lipstick pink) flank the entry driveway - view from church front verandah


Winter Maintenance on our Memorial Rose Garden

The memorial rose garden has had huge amounts of deciduous leaves from the Maples removed - as roses can get fungal diseases - unlike most other shrubs. They have been sprayed, ready to rest until pruning and feeding in August. Two new bush fragrant roses “Showpiece Champagne” and “Valencia” have been planted where others had died.



 Indigenous Garden   


At the last meeting, the reconciliation group  agreed to "adopt" a path in the indigenous section of Rotary Park in Warragul. 

The name of the path is "Goanna" and this should be available after further planting of the garden beds in May.

 By adopting the path the reconciliation group commit to keeping the path and adjacent garden beds weed free. 

If you would like to be part of the group, give Dave Morison or Eric Smith a call.

More information as the date gets closer.



 Solar Project - "Panels up and Running"   


The 60 solar panels, and a 15 Kilowatt inverter have been installed

The system is now fully functioning, and generating up to 22 Kilowatts per day

Commencing work, 22 March 2024

Using Scissor Lift

Installing Safety Rails


Mission Table   


"Mission Table

1st & 3rd Sundays During 'cuppa time' 

Baking, produce, craft, plants

Thank you for your generous and continued support of the Mission Table. Money raised goes to the work of our church

We've raised over $1200 - since 1st Oct 2023




   Baw Baw Food Relief

Baw Baw Foodbank Relief need more volunteers for all 3 areas of its operation.

If you could spare 2-3 hours a week to assist them in some way please ring 5622 3891

Pay it Forward — Donations of $10 will go towards giving a family a trolley load of food and other necessities of life.

Please pick up an envelope at the food donations baskets in our church foyer.

Thank you on behalf of Food Relief


     Groups & Activities     


  Trains in the Shed  

Meets each Wednesday 3.30pm at our church in the Warragul Train Shed.
Participants enjoy each other's company as they talk and work on the extensive Model Railway.
Further information available from the Church Office - (details Home Page).

Dedication of Model Railway

On 7 April 2013, the Church was pleased to welcome June's family to “The Big Shed” to support her as she unveiled a plaque on the model railway, gifted to the Church after the passing of June's husband Don.

The “Trains in The Shed” now provides much interest, fellowship and fun for many.

Creative skills continue to be employed as work on the model railway progresses.

See the Photo Album for Warragul Train Shed PHOTOS and more!


  Craft Group  


The Craft Group meets weekly on Thursdays at 9.30am to 12 noon (except in January School Holidays).

We enjoy the air-conditioned comfort of the Chapel.

Especially for ladies who enjoy working on and helping each other in a variety of handcrafts.  

This group welcomes people both in the church and wider community.


  Other groups and activities include:-   

  • Banner Making Group - meets occasionally as required; 

  • Catering Committee - for funerals and other occasions; 

  • Care Group - practical assistance as required; 

  • Pray for your Church - 8.00am on Wednesdays, wherever you are; 

  • Know Your Bible groups operate within our congregation;

For information from the Church Office - see contact details (left) of Home Page.

Church Choir - special occasion


  St Andrew's Uniting Kindergarten Warragul  

St Andrews Uniting Kindergarten cares for, nurtures and educates preschoolers in their lead up to school.  Address:- 210 Sutton Street Warragul, Phone:- 5623 2425 

Kindergarten ENTRY from the carpark, at the east end of Warragul Uniting Church building.  


For more information or if you’d like to arrange a visit, call us on 1800 183 103.



  Other Groups that meet in our Building  

Alcoholics Anonymous Australia (AA) - Mondays at 8.00pm.


Baw Baw Region Arthritis Support Group - meets for exercise classes, a cuppa and a chat each Wednesday, 12noon to 2.30pm.  If you are interested or would like to know more, contact: Madeleine 0410 353 339 or Barbara 5625 4585


Tai Chi - on Tuesdays at 1pm