Food For Thought



A collection of Reflections / Sermons for your reading pleasure

Recent Audio Recordings available on 'What's On Sundays' page

From  Bruce Wood

Rev Bruce Wood was the minister at Warragul Uniting Church 2015 - 2019.  Bruce was Inducted at Warragul on 12 March 2015; his final service at Warragul, was on 2 June 2019.   

Reflections from Rev. Bruce Wood, published in News First — our monthly church newsletter


From  Chris Cohen

Rev Chris Cohen was the minister at Warragul Uniting Church 2005 - 2015.  Chris was Inducted at Warragul on 15 March 2005; his final service at Warragul was on 11 January 2015.



From  Hamish Christie-Johnston

Rev Hamish Christie-Johnston provided 'Supply Ministry' for Warragul Uniting Church
while Rev Chris Cohen was on leave, Winter 2008.



From  Peter Beale

Rev Peter Beale completed a five year ministry with the Warragul congregation
in December 2005.




From  Des Parker

Rev Dr Des Parker was ordained and inducted as a Minister of the Word at Koo We Rup Uniting Church, June 2008.  Des is a member of Warragul Uniting Church.



From  Walter Sholl

Pastor Walter Sholl was a member of the 'ministry team' at Warragul.




From  Hannes Schaefer

Rev Hannes Schaefer.  We have been blessed by the ministry of Hannes at Warragul Uniting Church, 'in between' full time ministry placements.



From  Rosalind Terry

Rev Rosalind Terry completed a seven and a half year ministry with the Warragul congregation in November 2003.


From Services of Worship, Warragul Uniting Church, June October 2003