Sunday Prayers



Written especially for our Sunday notice sheet by one of our members



The author is taking a break

   24 March 2024    

Almighty God,

As Easter approaches, please clear our minds and prepare our hearts to hear the wonderful news of our salvation, and new life, through Jesus Christ.

We pray for everyone living in war-torn countries where danger, hardship, and heartbreak abound. Please bring peace. Please bring all perpetrators to justice.

Be with all those who are working away from home and family to provide support through Non-Government Organisations in places of war and natural disaster around the world.

Bless our Messy Church program as it reaches out to young families in our community. Bless the team as they plan and prepare for each event. Encourage, inspire, and sustain them.

Thank you for the diversity, faithfulness, and enthusiasm of our congregation as it journeys together in love and fellowship. Build us up in faith and good works as a witness to You Jesus.

May we, as believers, reach out to others in kindness and compassion at every opportunity.

In the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.


   17 March 2024    

Our Father in Heaven,

We ask for Your provision and protection over all those living in the devastation and horrors of war. We especially pray for the children, the elderly, and the sick who are struggling to survive in Palestine, Ukraine, and other theatres of war.

Be with the members of our congregation who are going through medical treatment, surgery, or times of deep hardship. Be their comfort and their hope despite their circumstances.

We pray for our Federal and State politicians as they go about the business of governing. May their decisions be guided by wisdom and discernment and not by self-interest and populist pressure.

Bless the use of the building we meet in every week to worship. May it be used to Your glory through outreach programs and activities that build up the Body of Christ in this place.

Forgive us, Father, for the times we are too quick to judge, too slow to forgive, and too willing to criticise. May our hearts be full of love for others and the humility to confess our sins to You.

Prepare our hearts and minds as the Holy Season of Easter approaches.

Through Christ who gave His life for ours, Amen.


   10 March 2024    

All-knowing and everlasting God,

Thank You for the creative and inquiring minds that have unlocked Your scientific mysteries bringing hope and healing to millions.

Be with those who are receiving medical treatment and support within our community. Bless their healing and well-being.

Thank You for Your own dear Son, given to show the Way, the Truth, and Life to all. Open our hearts and minds to the depth of Your love for us.

Be with the Messy Church team as they prepare for the Easter event.
Please draw in young families to enjoy this time of creativity and connection.

Bring home all those who have drifted away from You. Restore their faith in Your sovereignty, and Your abounding love for them.

Grant us wisdom as we care for Your church in this place. May we be good stewards of all You have given us to manage both now and in the future.

In the name of Jesus. Amen.


   3 March 2024    

Loving, Creating God,

Thank You for the physical senses You have given us to enjoy the wonders of Your creation.

Thank You for renewal, regrowth, and new beginnings in every aspect of life. Help us to grasp the beauty of this gift.

Please cover with Your love and protection, those who are grieving and are coping with shock, loss, and a new way of being.
Be their comfort and their hope.

We pray for all those caught in the horrors of war in Europe and the Middle East. Bless and equip all the medical and rescue teams as they work in heartbreaking situations.

Thank You for the power of prayer, and for answered prayer. We are grateful for the way we can bring all our cares to You, anytime, anywhere.

Help us to grow in confidence in our Faith. Give us the courage to share our experiences with others in love and humility.

Through Christ Jesus our Lord, we pray. Amen.


   25 February 2024    


Thank you for the blessing of family and the deep joy it can bring. Please bring healing and hope to situations where relationships are fractured, and deep hurts are entrenched.

We pray for our society's youth. Please help authorities find new ways to help and support delinquent youth and give them a positive way forward.

Grow us in faith and acts of kindness in our day-to-day lives. Prompt us to read Your Word each day and reflect on what You are saying to us.

Please increase and strengthen our congregation in its worship and its work in this place. Bring us the younger members we need to take this church into the future as a vibrant community of Christ.

Bless our Elders and Church Councillors as they carry out the duties of running our church, supporting Rev. Ian, and meeting the needs of the congregation.

Through Jesus Christ our Redeemer, we pray. Amen.


   18 February 2024    

God of all Creation,

Fill us with visions, dreams, and ideas that can be used to build Your kingdom here on Earth. Keep us from becoming jaded and apathetic. Open our hearts to Your leading.

Thank You, for the many visitors to our church each week. Give us the confidence we need to reach out to them in welcome.

Thank You, LORD, for the wonderful response to the Solar Power project and the great potential it holds. Bless all those who gave so generously from what You have given them.

Holy Spirit, unify our nation with a sense of fairness, compassion, and deep respect for every citizen, regardless of skin colour, ethnicity, social status, or creed. Please bring healing.

Lord Jesus, please remember the vulnerable. Bring comfort and protection to those who live in uncertainty or fear in their own homes, even in this town!

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen